A kind of agency, a kind of talent management, a kind of difficult to define, as it is the communication market right now.
Mattia Zoppellaro
Davide Monteleone & Mattia Zoppellaro
a Photographic project in collaboration with Perimetro
and Ènostra and presented at Green&Blue Festival at BAM from the 2nd to the 8th of June 2023
From the 2nd the the 8th of June, by BAM-Biblioteca degli Alberi Milano (Via Gaetano de Castillia, 28, Milan) Park, you’ll be able to see ELETTRODEMOCRAZIA, a photographic project in collaboration with Ènostra to showcase energetic community around Italy.
Part of this project are two of our photographers, Mattia Zoppellaro and Davide Monteleone
During the Green&Blue Festival from the 2nd to the 8th of June, at BAM-Biblioteca degli Alberi Milano (Via Gaetano de Castillia, 28, Milan) Park, you’ll be able to see ELETTRODEMOCRAZIA, a photographic project by Perimetro in collaboration with Ènostra to showcase energetic community around Italy.
Two photographers have participated in this project, Mattia Zoppellaro and Davide Monteleone.
The two of them with other authors have explored and documented the current change in the country of Italy – from North to South and its ilsands – through the birth of independent energy communities and the spread of eco-friendly life models.
Realities with very different geographical and cultural characteristics united by a common need: the change towards an energetically clean and sustainable future.